
torsdag 8 december 2016

text summery

I´m tired of justifying my beliefs

I have read the text “I´m tired of justifying my beliefs”
It is written as an article by Anil Dollomonni and it is about animal rights and how we keep our eyes closed for all the horrible things happening to the animals. In the text she tells a lot of her own opinions but also straight up clear facts about the subject.

In the beginning of the text she writes that she isn’t sorry for justifying what she stands for, which is that it is wrong to hurt and kill animals. Because we do hurt and kill animals, it´s not an opinion, it is a pure fact we have to understand and stop deny.

Alto the main subject of this text is poaching, which means hunting extinct animals. And the animals she talks about in this text are rhinos and elephants.

She starts off by saying that she is not attacking the poaching people´s behavior, but their ignorance and complacency. I really love that she did that, because just like her I think that´s the problem. I think questioning someone´s ignorance is more effective than questioning someone behavior.

She also tells us the reasons behind why people poach. Often because of economic reasons. Elephant´s and rhino´s tusks and horns are worth a lot of money.
The tusks are exclusive and in China have they become a trend to own. People are willing to pay a lot of money for them
The rhino horns are as well worth a lot of money

So she tells us these horrific stories about how the tusks and horns are being remove, and the worst part is that she writes that she is used to reading these stories. Reading that made me really sad and angry. It made me question how this can be normal. How can these horrible things happening to the animals be normal and happen often. And we just close our eyes and ignore what is happening.

She says that stopping this is pretty much impossible but we have to do what we can. Through an educational process spread our knowledge and perspective. Alto it may take a long time, which is a problem because time might be what the animals don’t have much of.
She says that we can find likeminded people and together do what we can.

I loved this text. In the future I´m definitely going to fight for animal rights. I´m already making a statement by not eating meat. Reading this text I realized that a lot of things she stands for is also things that I stand for, it was nice having someone else putting words on my own thoughts.

The text never got boring, Anil kept it interesting from the very first word to the last. It really reached out to me, which I think was her main goal when writing the text. She wanted her readers to feel something, which is what needs to happen if we ever are going to make a change.

I think this is a subject we don’t pay enough attention to. We need to question the fact that we treat rapists and murderers better than we treat the most innocent beings on our planet. And whit “our planet” I don’t mean we humans, I mean we all together. Because that’s how things should be, at least according to me.