
tisdag 11 april 2017

A true hero

A true hero

According to me, everyone needs a hero. Well, not really an actual hero, just someone you can look up to. Someone you can see as your inspiration, someone that motivates you to always try to be a better person. That’s the kind of hero I think everyone needs. For myself my hero has always been my aunt. My mother’s younger little sister. Her name is Lena and she´s 35 years old. I have never told her so but I have always looked up to her. How she doesn’t care about what everyone thinks and does whatever makes her feel good. She always pushes me to do new thing, and to be myself. It could be as silly things as telling me to buy the clothes I like not worrying about what other people might think, to telling me not to take mean comments and stand up for myself.
I personally think she has helped me a lot. My confidence wouldn’t be as high as is today is if it weren’t for her.
When I´m feeling a little sad or down she always notices. Asks me what´s wrong. If I tell her she always come up with the best solutions to how I can feel better. Because in the end that’s what matters the most. Not what another person did to make me feel bad, but how I can feel better. When she has made sure I feel well she tells me how she thinks I should handle the issue. How I through my voice in a calm way can affect other individuals. Make them think, maybe see the world a little different in a way that will positively affect both me and others in my surrounding.
She has told me a lot of physiological tricks to affect other. How to make other like and appreciate you.
This might sound a little mean, messing with someone mind to make them like you. But that’s not wrong? Is it?
No, I don’t think so. As long as I keep using it for a good cause.

Anyways, I kind of stepped out of the subject. Well I guess I just wanted to tell how much Lena means to me. How we humans need other human beings. We need people around us that we like. We need people around us that we look up to. We need people around us that makes us want to be a better person, we need a true hero.  

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